Fragments Of C,C++ & Java (For Successful Coding)
Basic Terms in C...
The smallest unit of C program is known as tokens. The basic component of a source code or the Building pieces of a source code through which a program is completed to its achievement.
Example- variables, keywords,Identifiers,operators, Special Characters.
I'll be defining each Token to make its importance and use clear.
Identifiers as thee name suggest are used to identify a programs function, variables, arrays e.t.c created by you. These are the unique names you give to the member variables, member methods and other components of a C program.
Naming rules for an Identifier:-
- It should not start with a digit (0-9)
- First character can be a Upper Case( Capital) Character or Lower Case(Small) Character.
- C is Case Sensitive and hence Upper Case character and Lower Case Character is treated differently. (AMAN and aman are treated diffrently in C).
- Special characters are not allowed for naming a variable / identifier except Underscore(_).
- Keywords cannot be used as Identifier.
3.Keywords :
Keywords are the reserved words which C compilers already know and conveys special meaning to it.
Whose meaning has already been explained to the compiler. That means at the time of designing a language, some words are reserved to do specific tasks. Such words are called as keywords or reserved words.
C support 32 keywords.
Example:- new, int, float, double, char, break,continue e.t.c.
4.Constants :
They do have similar properties like Variables in C except that the values related to these variables do not change during the execution of a program.
They are also known as Literals.
- Integer constants (1,2,3,90, any value except decimal value)
- Real or Floating point constants (14.8,40.7, any value with decimal)
- Octal & Hexadecimal constants (x0H4, 135 )
- Character constants ('a', 'b' , any single digit or character enclosed in single quotes)
- String constants("gu52" , any combination of characters and digit in double quotes)
- Backslash character constants (\t ,\b, : Escape Sequence Or Wild Characters)
We can define constants in a C program in the following ways.
By “const” keyword
By “#define” preprocessor directive
Operator is a symbol which performs particular operation. C supports a rich set of operators.
Operators work on Operands.
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Bit wise operators
- Conditional operators (ternary operators)
- Increment/decrement operators
- Special operators
Special characters:
All characters other than alphabets and digits are treated as special characters.
Eg: * , % , $ , { ,etc.
Hope you'll be able to understand the following Tokens which is required to create a C program.
It might not be an elaborated format but you can request me using my mail id.
Smiling and don't forget to contact me for further assistance. Your Friendly Coder. SPrince
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