
Showing posts from March, 2018

Keywords (Extension to Fragments Of C)

                                      Keywords  As stated above, this very article is dependent on The Basic Of C and a specific Topic Fragments Of C is Explained in it's fulfillment.  Check this link for other Fragments - Fragments   Note:- These are the Basics for good C Language.... KeyWords Definition :-    Keywords are reserved words; these are parts of syntax and C compiler covey special meaning to it. There are total of 32 Keywords in C and the whole coding goes way around these keywords. Remember:-            Keywords cannot be used to name any variables or literals because they are already defined and have special meaning to each of them.                                   List of all Keywords. auto double ...

Programming Basics in C (Autopsy of Basic way to Code in C)

-As the title suggest, it's an autopsy, i:e every BASIC ELEMENTS of C will be dissected and offered the easiest relevancy of it in C programming.  --- Let's continue with the Basics for every newbie asking why this specific way is used in C. The table below illustrates every specific components in Basic C Program.   Elements                                                     Description #include The C programming language provides many standard library functions for file input and output.  These functions make up the bulk of the C standard library header stdio.h. main() Execution of any C program starts at this point.  This is where the compilation proce...

5 Best IDE for C/C++

W ith an ever increasing craze for coding and release of new Programming Languages, IDE's are developing as well, with a new version update or a whole new IDE for C, C++, Java,Ruby  or anyone as expected.       C and its extension C++ are really one of the most fashionable languages for any new learner.  So, I'm gonna post the list of best IDE which are simple, versatile and much user friendly for new coders. 5 Best IDE For C/C++  1. Eclipse:- E clipse provides IDEs and platforms for nearly every language and architecture. It's famous for Java IDE, C/C++, JavaScript and PHP IDEs built on extensible platforms for creating desktop, Web and cloud IDEs. These platforms deliver the most extensive collection of add-on tools available for software developers. Features- • Supports all platforms Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. • Supports Debugging, Compiling, Profiling, Auto-completion of code and Refactoring. • Great with i...

Fragments Of C,C++ & Java (For Successful Coding)

                                               Basic Terms in C... 1.Tokens The smallest unit of  C program is known as tokens. The basic component of a source code or the Building pieces of a source code through which a program is completed to its achievement. Example- variables, keywords,Identifiers,operators, Special Characters.             I'll be defining each Token to make its importance and use clear. 2.Identifiers. Identifiers as thee name suggest are used to identify a programs function, variables, arrays e.t.c created by you. These are the unique names you give to the member variables, member methods and other components of a C program.               Naming rules for an Identifier:- It should not start with a digit (0-9) First character can be a Upper Cas...